Thursday, April 28, 2011

GirlsEyeView Ware Field Trip to UMass University Museum

Yesterday, 10 girls from GEV Ware piled into a big white van for the half hour drive to UMass Amherst. We went to the University Museum, where there is an exhibit up by photographer David Goldblatt.

Our kind guide Eva provided context for the exhibit - we learned all about the Apartheid era in South Africa.

Eva also talked to us about how David Goldblatt doesn't consider himself an "artist" persay - he documents the world around him as he sees it.

Having just one hour to visit the exhibit was nowhere near enough time! It was hard to tear ourselves away for the incredible, giant images. Everyone had a different favorite - mine was the room with a number to triptychs that really allowed the viewer to step inside the photograph.

It was a super fun time!
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Monday, April 18, 2011

E'town Rising: Artwalk and EHS Art Show!

E'town Rising: Voices of Youth has been working on a really exciting project, learning to create handmade books from some of the amazing, talented book-binders located in Easthampton.

On Saturday April 9th, they hosted a scavenger hunt at the Easthampton Art Walk, engaging many people in the Art Walk in a unique way - participants located handmade photo books at 5 different venues at the Art Walk, collecting a stamp for each book they located in hopes of winning a prize at the end.

On the heels of that successful event, all the E'town participants have photos in the upcoming Easthampton High School Arts Fest, with an opening reception on May 5th from 4-7pm at the Elusie and ECA Galleries in Easthampton!

Come and check them out!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The YAC Retreat was AMAZING!

Last Friday and Saturday, twenty-five YACies gathered at Earthdance Retreat Center in Plainfield, MA for the YAC Retreat!

Earthdance was the perfect venue, although coming from the Valley we weren't quite prepared for it to still be winter up in the hills! It was cold and snowy, and we were all grateful for the warm Umbrella Studio where we spent most of our time.

On Friday evening everyone brought a dish to share and we had the most abundant, delicious potluck meal I've ever seen in my life. We then headed over to the studio, where Get Up Get Down lead the group in a brainstorm about social justice issues that move us personally and as an organization.
We used the discussion as inspiration to paint a collaborative mural!

While some were painting, other YACies shared their significant talents in poetry, music, photography and video. By the end of the evening, we were wondering why YAC doesn't specialize in performance with all the talent of our members!

It was late to bed, early to rise. Breakfast was at 8am, followed by an intensive visioning process led by Diana, Stacey and Zeke. We generated a TON of ideas about what YAC does well and where we should focus our attention in the future. A strategic planning committee will be formed to create a way forward! Come to the YAC board meeting on Monday, 4/4 if you're interested in participating.

Hannah led a workshop on making recycled notebooks, and Video Vanguards trained a group of YACies in ad-busting.

After lunch, Dee helped us examine our social identities by thinking about the stories around our names, and about all the various facets that make up our identity.

Sasha ran the last training, giving the group concrete skills to be better active bystanders. See the Six Step Guide in the photo below!

Overall the YAC retreat was an invaluable experience, both for YAC as an organization and for its individual members. New friendships were forged, talents were discovered, and a whole lot of plans were made!