Thursday, March 22, 2012

YAC Scheme and Dream

Hello YACies!

Next Sunday, April 1st, we will be coming together for a "Scheme and Dream". We want to talk about how we can improve YAC, and about where we want to take YAC in the future. So, it would be great to have input from everyone- youth, staff, interns, board, and anyone else who might be interested!

The Scheme and Dream will take place next Sunday, April 1st, from 10am to 2pm. We will be at UMass, thought we're not quite sure of the exact location yet- updates to come. So if you're interested in improving YAC, or if you have ideas for the future, please come and share them! All input is welcome and valued!

Please let us know by next Wednesday, March 28th, if you intend on coming.